Car Accident Injury Lawyers

How do I get paid for my car accident injury?

If you’ve been injured in a car accident and suffer from headaches, anxiety, insomnia, dizziness, fatigue, numbness, stiffness, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, fractures or broken bones, LegalGenius can get you paid for your injuries. In order to collect payment for pain and suffering damages, the following must be established:

  1. Another driver must be at fault.
  2. You must suffer an injury and/or disfigurement.
  3. A doctor must establish the injury is from the car accident.

When you need legal help, you can count on LegalGenius. Help is just a click or phone call away!

Complete our Ask the Genius™ form and a LegalGenius Car Accident Injury lawyer will contact you within 5 minutes.


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Which Economic Benefits can I receive for my car accident injury?

  1. Lost Wages
    If you are an injured person who earned a wage at the time of the accident, then a wage loss benefit is payable to an injured person (even if this person is at-fault in the accident) for a maximum of 3 years at a maximum monthly wage of $5189 per month (as of 2013).
  2. Medical Expenses
    All reasonable and necessary medical expenses are payable including but not limited to chiropractic care, physical therapy, psychological treatment and prescription drugs.
  3. Household Help
    An injured person may be entitled to receive $20 per day (for up to 3 years) as payment for household chores that he/she cannot perform as a result of injuries from the car accident. These chores include lawn mowing, cleaning, snow removal, babysitting, etc.
  4. Attendant Care
    If you are seriously injured and cannot take care of yourself after an accident, an auto insurance company will pay your spouse, parent, friend, caregiver to care for you until you have recovered from your injuries.
  5. Mileage
    Travel expenses to and from the doctor’s office are reimbursable.

What’s the cost?

You don’t pay anything unless we WIN! The call is FREE, the advice is FREE. When you call us, we will discuss every aspect of the case with you. If you are unable to come to our office, then we will come to your home or hospital room to sign up your case.

Ask the Genius

Do I have a case?

The following information you provide is strictly confidential. Our office will only use this information to determine the viability of your legal claim. To send a question to, please fill out our form. Please supply as much information as possible – the more information you provide the more constructive our response will be.

A member of our legal team will contact you within 5 minutes. There is always the possibility of delay but we always respond to your question the same day. We will contact you by phone or email, so make sure your telephone number and email address are correct.

You can always contact us; call 1-800-209-4000.

We answer calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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